Assertion Trials Read online

Page 11

  With my pulse racing, I let him lead me through the crowd, grateful when no one did more than offer a polite smile. I didn’t want anyone to slow us and give me a chance to think more about what would happen once Decker had me alone.

  The thirty-foot walk to the cabin’s front door felt like a mile, but my anxiety abated the second Decker shut the door. The simple act of physically separating the two of us from everyone else lifted a tremendous weight off my shoulders. Unfortunately, eliminating that distraction only redirected my unease.

  Decker was a big male. His towering stature could intimidate anyone, especially in such a confined space. I already felt as if I couldn’t breathe with him standing so close, and I knew I was a goner once he turned the force of those intense eyes on me.

  Desperately needing to put a little distance between us, I stepped around him and moved across the room. The lock immediately clicked into place, and though I didn’t turn to look at him, I could feel Decker’s eyes following me.

  I paced toward the drinks cabinet in the far corner, thinking to pour myself something to help me relax. But as I reached for a glass, I hesitated. More alcohol wasn’t such a great idea. I’d had enough to drink for one night. Even one more and I’d be sick before the sun came up. It would be an effective way to avoid getting intimate with Decker, but no matter how nervous I was, I didn’t want our first night together to be miserable.

  Decker’s deep voice broke into my rambling thoughts. “You all right?”

  Was I? I didn’t have a clue. After everything that had happened between us, I shouldn’t be so afraid, but I could feel my panic surfacing. What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I acting like such a coward? I wanted Decker, and I knew he wanted me. He’d made that perfectly clear.

  Pushing the glass back into place, I steadied myself and faced my companion.

  Decker sat on the edge of the bed, elbows on his knees and sincere concern in his dark eyes. “Shala?”

  Giving myself a mental shake, I nodded. “Only tired.”

  He studied me as if looking for signs, but he didn’t reply.

  It wasn’t a lie. Not exactly. I was exhausted. It had been a long few days. Still, no matter how tired I felt, I knew I’d never be able to sleep, even if that was what I wanted.

  Decker straightened and nodded toward the empty space beside him. “Come. Sit with me.”

  Drawing on all my strength, I crossed the distance separating us and settled on the edge of the bed. I could feel Decker’s eyes on me. My heart fluttered wildly, anticipation hovering thickly in the air between us. Though he wasn’t touching me, having him so close made me feel hot all over.

  Taking a breath, I chanced a peek at him. He sat motionless, interest and concern both etched into his usually hard features.

  I fidgeted, my hands twisting together in my lap. It didn’t help my nervousness in the slightest, but I couldn’t stop.

  Decker remedied it for me. He reached over, one hand covering both of mine. The simple gesture instantly stilled the restless movements, but his touch made my heart leap in my chest.

  “Shala. Look at me.”

  His whispered order dragged my gaze to his. I couldn’t refuse him.

  Decker gave my hands a gentle squeeze. “I know you are nervous, but there is no reason to be. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  The sincerity in his tone conveyed more than his words. I knew he spoke the truth. After everything that had transpired since my arrival at Farkas house, I knew I was safer with this man than with anyone else. I could trust him with my life. Why couldn’t I as easily trust him with my body?

  Sitting so close to him, feeling his warmth seeping into my skin made me feel safe. Not only did he soothe my frazzled nerves, but he induced countless other physical feelings.

  Despite my having no experience, my instincts had all sorts of sinful things flashing through my mind. Just thinking about the feel of his mouth on mine made me want to climb onto his lap and kiss him like a starved woman. Even more, I wanted to strip off his clothes and lick every inch of his hard, delicious body. That’s what I wanted, but I was nowhere near that bold. I had to take things a bit slower.

  Summoning all my courage, I drew a deep breath and started with something a little more innocent. “May I kiss you?”

  Without even a hint of hesitation, Decker replied, “I’m yours, Shala. Do with me whatever you like.”

  The truth rang clear in his low, rasping voice. He meant every word. It both thrilled and frightened me. Sure, his words made me feel braver, but not so brave I would act on my more audacious impulses. Instead, I leaned in and tentatively pressed my lips to his.

  The faint taste of bourbon still lingered on his sinful mouth and I loved it. That hint of spice mixed with his natural flavor created something downright delicious.

  Shifting closer, I deepened the kiss. Decker responded with a low groan, his fingers slipping into my hair as he drew me closer.

  I clung to him, letting him take control. Heat rushed beneath my skin, and the simple swipe of his tongue woke within me the same hunger yesterday’s kiss had ignited. There was no gentle coaxing. No slow and easy. The world simply melted away as I fully opened to him and let him devour me.

  The intensity that rapidly grew between us should have frightened me, but I couldn’t get enough. His taste, his touch, and the way his body felt beneath my roaming hands only deepened my hunger for him.

  We went hard and frantic, not allowing either of us room to think. My mind was a mess and my body came alive. Time stood still and only the two of us existed. I could only feel Decker; the heat of his mouth on me, his callused fingers kneading my thigh, and a rush of unexpected sensations bombarding my senses.

  The world suddenly tilted on its axis and I found myself beneath Decker’s hard body. I stared up into his fathomless gold eyes while my breaths escaped me on ragged little puffs. Neither of us said a word. But then, we didn’t need words. Our bodies spoke loud and clear. And they were saying that the clothes separating us had to go. It was time.

  Though a hint of nervousness still held onto me, my need to feel every inch of Decker’s skin won over. I watched my own fingers work loose the buttons of his shirt, slowly revealing that beautifully tanned skin stretched over his muscular chest. Unable to resist the temptation, I smoothed my palms over the taut expanse and down his torso.

  Feeling his hard abdominals ripple beneath my hands spurred me on, and I shoved the shirt off his shoulders. When I could get it no further than his elbows, Decker rose to his knees and helped me rid him of the offending material.

  With a bit of awkward shifting on my part, he managed to strip me of my dress, and I held my breath as his hungry eyes swept over every inch of exposed flesh.

  Judging by the flames dancing in his glowing eyes, he very much liked the vision before him. Which was an immense relief. A female’s worst fear was that her man might not like her body. Fortunately, that wasn’t something I needed to worry over. The second our gazes collided, I knew he felt the same stirring eagerness that had my belly quivering.

  I did, however, feel a bit anxious when Decker peeled off his pants and tossed them aside. I hadn’t a clue where they landed, and I didn’t care. My focus was on his phenomenal body and the glorious arousal jutting from his hips.

  Goddess help me. The man was huge everywhere. Surely, not all wolfkind males were so well-endowed. I’d never seen another male fully nude, so I wouldn’t know. But I did know one thing. My life would never be the same once I had him.

  As Decker stared down at me, I had a strong urge to cover myself, but that was ridiculous. He’d already seen every inch of me, and in a matter of moments, he would be inside me. Nothing was more physically intimate than being so close to someone that you couldn’t be sure where they left off and you began.

  The intensity remained in Decker’s gaze, but he held himself in check as he climbed back on the bed and hovered over me. His gaze held steady, but I could feel his ha
nds shaking as he pushed my legs apart and wedged himself between my trembling thighs.

  The air between us grew thick with anticipation. Knowing Decker felt as unsteady as I did should have calmed me, but it only served to make me more nervous.

  A startled gasp escaped me when his fingers brushed over my most intimate flesh. Shocked by the sharp sensation that shot through me, my hands flew to his forearms, gripping him hard.

  With his voice barely audible, Decker held my gaze. “Do you want me to stop?”

  My heart hammered at my sternum and my breaths came in shuddering pulls as a deep, throbbing ache took up residence between my legs. I couldn’t speak, but I managed a faint shake of my head.

  Relief danced over his harsh features, and his mouth came down on mine. He poured his desperation into the kiss, but he didn’t linger there for long. He trailed his way down the length of my neck, nipping and sucking eagerly at my flesh.

  I groaned when his hot mouth closed over my breast, my hands automatically going to his hair. I felt his growl of approval vibrate against my sensitive nipple and closed my eyes, savoring the sensation.

  The big hand between my thighs began to move again, stroking a little deeper than before. I gasped when he brushed against the top of my cleft, a sharp bolt of pleasure shooting through me.

  Decker groaned, repeating the sinful motion until he had me panting.

  My entire body was tense as his thick, skilled fingers slipped through my slick folds. It felt incredible and I didn’t know how much more I could stand before I lost all sanity.

  Whether he read me well or was equally as desperate, Decker didn’t make me wait any longer. His hazy eyes met mine, and when he shifted against me, I felt his wide, blunt tip at my entrance.

  Gripping his biceps, I held his stare and my breath as he pushed slowly forward. The pressure and stretching of my inner muscles bordered on painful, but the delicious friction overrode whatever discomfort I felt.

  When he sank fully into me, filling me completely, I released the breath I’d been holding.

  Decker dropped his forehead to mine and groaned. “Goddess have mercy.”

  The rough sound of his words only intensified the aching throb within me, and I desperately needed him to move. I needed more, but he remained still except for his uncontrollable trembling.

  “Please,” I begged him. “Don’t stop.”

  Through gritted teeth, he growled. “I’m not. I just need a moment.”

  I stared up at his pain-filled expression, watching as he took several measured breaths. After an eternity, he slowly retreated, reigniting that pleasure/pain and tearing from my throat an uncontrolled whimper. The sensation was otherworldly, and I was thankful when there was no further hesitation on Decker’s part. He kept his hips moving, the constant gliding in and out of my tight haven, this time building a different kind of pressure inside me.

  Decker’s breaths grew more ragged, his movements less precise, and his composure slipped a little more with every plunge and retreat. I hoped that meant he was close to his release, because I didn’t know how much more I could stand. The pleasure was too great, and I felt I might explode if it continued much longer.

  And explode, I did. With his fingers digging into my hips, Decker buried his face in my neck, and jerked forward. One. Two. Three times. That last hard hit shattered me, leaving me feeling as if I’d fragmented into a million tiny pieces.

  His grip on my hips tightened further, and I could feel him jerking inside me. Heat flooded me with every violent pulse, each one sending another rippling wave of pleasure shooting through every nerve ending in my body.

  We lay for an eternity, my stare on the rough wooden ceiling while our bodies slowly calmed, and our breaths returned to normal. Decker was heavy, but I didn’t mind his weight on me. In fact, I found it oddly comforting.

  Though utterly spent, I managed to thread my fingers into Decker’s thick waves. Relishing in the feel of him as he nuzzled closer, I let my mind drift where it may.

  I’d never fully understood the physical connection between a male and his female. The thought of having someone claim me never really sounded all that appealing. I’d always wanted to be my own woman. I didn’t want to belong to anyone, but all that changed the moment I’d set eyes on the stubborn, moody beast.

  Unexpectedly, a barrage of emotions came over me. Though the elderwomen taught me everything I needed to know about our kind, they never could have prepared me for all those new feelings.

  I felt completely blown apart, yet somehow more whole than I’d ever felt before. Was I mistaking the grandeur of our simultaneous coming undone for more than just a physical release, or was that glorious feeling the companion bond the elderwomen spoke of so reverently? I assumed such a connection would take time to build, but maybe I’d been mistaken. Maybe it was something more.

  Decker’s head came up, suddenly alert. He searched my face, his brows bunching in concern. “Did I hurt you?”

  Confused, I shook my head.

  “Then why are you crying?”

  I wanted to deny it, didn’t want to believe I’d let my emotion get the better of me. But sure enough, I felt a tear roll down my temple and disappear into my hair. Damn it. I hated letting anyone see this side of me, and Decker was the last person I wanted to witness my rare display of emotion. Especially after the disapproving look he’d given me over my reaction to my brother’s arrival.

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  Swallowing the lump quickly growing in my throat, I admitted, “I had no idea it would feel like this.”

  His frown deepened, but he waited, clearly wanting me to explain.

  “I never really wanted a companion,” I confessed, feeling a little ashamed. “But now, I don’t see why I ever dreaded this day. How is it possible to feel so much for a perfect stranger?”

  Decker blinked down at me, his confused expression fading into a knowing smile. “I know the feeling, princess.”

  I stared up at him. “What do you mean?”

  His finger brushed over my cheek, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. “Finding my companion was the last thing I expected when I came to Farkas House three days ago. Now, I have you, and I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.”

  Chapter 16

  The early morning light filtered through the curtains, highlighting every line of my companion’s perfect body.

  I was sore in places I’d never imagined, but I was content where I lay. Decker had me tucked in close to him, his heavy arm wrapped around me.

  My head rested on his shoulder and I listened to his low, even breaths while tracing over the hard plains of his torso. I knew he wasn’t sleeping. I could feel him shift slightly each time my hand drew too close to his side.

  Smiling to myself, I asked in a quiet voice, “Are you ticklish?”

  “No.” His short, irritated answer drew my attention.

  Tilting my head so I could watch his face, I ran my hand up his side, applying more pressure as I grazed his ribs.

  Without opening his eyes, Decker caught my wrist in a firm hold, pulling my hand away from him. “Don’t.”

  Though his voice remained even, the warning in that one word was unmistakable. He wasn’t playing around, but he was undeniably ticklish.

  I rubbed my cheek against his shoulder in attempt to soothe him. “See. You are. Why would you say you’re not?”

  “Because I don’t like it.”

  A bit taken aback by his sharp reply, I frowned. “Who doesn’t like to be tickled?”

  “Me,” he countered, his tone remaining harsh.

  “Well, we’ll just have to change that, wont we.”

  Decker’s clear, dark eyes met mine. “Don’t push me, princess. You won’t like how I retaliate.”

  “Why? What will you do, hold me down and tickle me too?”

  Without missing a beat, he retorted, “I will spank your beautiful little ass.”

  A riot of feelings came over me
. Shock. Disbelief. Fear. And the most unexpected? Arousal.

  Surprising me further, Decker chuckled, his eyes suddenly dancing with amusement. “On second thought, maybe that isn’t the best punishment. You might enjoy it too much.”

  My face flamed red. I knew it. I could feel the heat instantly spread beneath my skin, but I forced an embarrassed grin. “You may be right.”

  Shaking his head, Decker relaxed back on his pillow and sighed as he closed his eyes. “Why do I get the distinct impression you are going to make my life very interesting?”

  I laid my cheek against his chest and smiled wider. “Likely the same reason I get that feeling about you.”

  He didn’t make another sound, but I felt him shake beneath me as if suppressing laughter. I didn’t know why he held back, but it made me happy knowing I could draw such a response from him.

  Snuggling closer, I draped an arm over Decker’s middle, and his fingers found their way into my hair. He began a slow, soothing massage against my scalp, and I released a contented sigh.

  My mind drifted for the longest time, enjoying the lazy strokes of his capable fingers, but just as I was about to drift off, a thought flittered through my mind.


  “Hmm?” he hummed sleepily.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He sighed heavily. “Sure.”

  “Who is Kaari?”

  Feeling his heartbeat stutter beneath my cheek, I lifted my head to get a read of him.

  The pain in his expression made me wish I hadn’t asked the question. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer.”

  Decker’s big hand came up, his fingers brushing lightly over my cheek as he offered a sad smile. “She was Wyatt’s woman.”

  I didn’t know what I expected him to say, but that hadn’t been it. I didn’t miss the fact that he used past tense. Kaari was gone, and judging by how Decker had reacted to Resno’s taunting, she had meant something to him as well.